Writing a Manuscript’s Abstract

Journal Discussions Forums Research Paper Writing a Manuscript’s Abstract

This topic contains 6 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Steve Demon 10 years, 5 months ago.

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    Elena Gilbert
    Elena Gilbert

    An abstract preparation for a manuscript submission is an essential step, to which the authors often give less attention. Although it is simply a brief summary of the manuscript, its purpose is to describe the research approach and outline key elements. When preparing to draft your manuscript’s abstract, keep in mind the following key elements:

    • Reasons and importance for your research writing
    • Problems and questions it attempts to resolve
    • Models, methods and approaches adopted in the study
    • Information about the target population and research participants
    • Results and primary findings of the project
    • Implications and suggested changes to resolve the problem discussed

    Tiny Watson

    Yes an abstract should cover all these points to give an overview of the dissertation to the evaluator.


    Lucy Watson

    I thought that an abstract is just a brief summary of the dissertation.


    Jamiie Thompson

    It is a brief summary only but should touch upon all the above mentioned points.


    Thomas Latson

    Abstract should be written in a very impressive manner.


    Jose Thomas

    What should be the word limit of an abstract?


    Steve Demon

    It should be between 150-250 words as per APA.

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