Why writing an informative literature review helps your dissertation

Journal Discussions Forums Literature Review Why writing an informative literature review helps your dissertation

This topic contains 5 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Tiny Watson 10 years, 5 months ago.

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    Elena Gilbert
    Elena Gilbert

    A good literature review plays a vital role in your dissertation. It gives you and your reader a sufficient amount of background information on the subject and helps your research problem in many ways. Before you begin your literature review, you must consult your instructor on what kind of literature review will support your dissertation. Narrow down on sources that are closest to your topic and research problem, choose current sources as far as possible, take a variety of sources – books, articles, journals, websites, etc. and make sure to evaluate your sources. If you conduct a detailed literature review relevant to your topic, you will earn good rewards in your grading process.


    Lousie Crawforrd

    It is very important to write a good Literature Review to let people know about our research.


    Lucy Watson

    These tips really helped me writing my literature review in the best manner.


    Michael Fernandes

    On the basis of literature review only we can get a reader take interest in our thesis.


    Jose Thomas

    It helps the reader to understand about the topic of research.


    Tiny Watson

    Guides always look forward to literature review to get the understanding of the research and if they find it interesting then only they’ll accept. I had to work thrice on my LR. Wish I could have come across these tips a bit early.

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