Writing a good technical brief

Journal Discussions Forums Technical Brief Writing a good technical brief

This topic contains 5 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Tiny Watson 10 years, 5 months ago.

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    Elena Gilbert
    Elena Gilbert

    While writing a technical paper or a technical brief, it is important to consider the guidelines mentioned by the journal to ensure that your paper is published without many hassles. A technical brief usually is the stepping stone towards the paper and it leads the reader towards the paper. You must mention the type of document, presentation date, reader profile, issues targeted in the paper, what the reader’s need to know about the topic, etc. You must also mention whether the document will be a paper, electronic or both. A good technical brief is like a trailer of a movie, it gives you the basic idea of what to expect, and at the same time, leaves you desiring for more.


    Janna Gilbert

    Very useful tips. Also came across at the perfect time. I am about to send my paper for publish.


    Lucy Watson

    Short but very useful.


    Michael Fernandes

    While reading a research paper people are more keen to read about why the research has been done and what were the outcomes.


    Rita Watson

    Yes right so that column should be well written.


    Tiny Watson

    These tips will surely help me in improving my paper.

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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