Tracking Citations

Journal Discussions Forums Literature Review Tracking Citations

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Lousie Crawforrd 10 years, 5 months ago.

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    Elena Gilbert
    Elena Gilbert

    A systematic analysis targeted to identify and measure the citation of an academic research article by other authors is referred to as citation tracking. It is an effective way to measure the influence of an article and search for more research papers in the related field of study. This process also helps to identify who has cited the relevant scholarly work. Tacking Citations can also be a useful means for assessing the study’s impact in the particular research domain. Since we can identify the frequency of article citation, it is easy to determine the interdisciplinary value of a research study.


    Bourne Milton

    It helps in collecting the base/research papers for our research.


    Lousie Crawforrd

    It helps in getting relevant data for our research.

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