Should you subscribe to a scholarly journal?

Journal Discussions Forums Scholarly Journals Should you subscribe to a scholarly journal?

This topic contains 4 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Katherine Seton 10 years, 5 months ago.

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    Elena Gilbert
    Elena Gilbert

    If you are a candidate working towards completing your PhD or Master’s, you will have to read up on many research papers and articles before you write your own research. At such times, subscribing to a scholarly journal helps you get a better perspective of the kind of content that is expected from you. Also, a scholarly journal is written by professionals and academic experts in the industry with the right formatting, citation styles, references and has an extensive research and analysis on the subject. This helps you get a brief idea on what is an ideal research paper, and therefore, it is absolutely worth the cost involved in subscribing to a scholarly journal.


    Shawn Thomas

    Subscribing to a scholarly journal is quite useful because we stay updated about the recent researches being done.


    Lehane Paul

    Yes we should subscribe for scholars journals.


    Lucy Watson

    Yes doing so keep us updated about the new researches.


    Katherine Seton

    Yes even I have subscribed to many journals.

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