Should I make my dissertation freely available on the World Wide Web?

Journal Discussions Forums Editorial Article Should I make my dissertation freely available on the World Wide Web?

This topic contains 5 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Janna Gilbert 10 years, 5 months ago.

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    Elena Gilbert
    Elena Gilbert

    When you submit your dissertation electronically, you don’t have to create multiple copies on high-quality paper, thus saving paper, trees, money, ink as well as a lot of shelf space in libraries. You have three choices for the availability of your dissertation to public:

    1. Free Access: This is the recommended option as you open up your study to a countless audience and contribute to the growth of knowledge

    2. Restricted Access: This option requires you to specify a password or give limited access only to a previously specified audience. In case the content of your dissertation is not suitable for a mass audience, or is a sensitive topic, you may select this option.

    3. Closed Access: This option does not allow the public to view your dissertation.

    How are copyright issues handled with regards to my dissertation?

    The intellectual property rights of your dissertation will always be protected and reserved with you. You retain the ownership of the copyrights of your dissertation or thesis, and you can use the topics or chapters of your dissertation for further work if required.

    Think about submitting your dissertation online, you can help a number of students, spread your knowledge amongst scholars and grab that dream job!


    Steve Demon

    Yes if someone copies our work it will be detected in the plagiarism test.


    Jack Thomas

    I don’t think so that there are any harms.


    Katherine Seton

    I more in the favour of restricted access.


    Lehane Paul

    I think it should be open because people who will be doing the further research will require reference of what has been done in the past.


    Janna Gilbert

    Yes even I think so.

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