Piloting the Questionnaire

Journal Discussions Forums Research Paper Piloting the Questionnaire

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Lousie Crawforrd 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #274

    Lousie Crawforrd

    The next important step upon the construction of a questionnaire is to pilot it to the study to heck on its effectiveness. Pretesting and piloting help you identify questions that are ambiguous or don’t make sense to the respondents. A test will also highlight problems that might lead to biased answers. Generally, basic quantitative surveys involving feedback forms, needs assessments and end line surveys need piloting.
    Following the core steps for piloting:
    1. See the participants of the test
    2. Find answers to how, where and when the test would be carried out
    3. Plan the collection and recording of feedback
    4. Check the resources that might be needed

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