Is lit-review all about citing references?

Journal Discussions Forums Literature Review Is lit-review all about citing references?

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Jamiie Thompson 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #273

    Jamiie Thompson

    We build our study on the knowledge of others, wherein we adopt some methods, concepts and measures that others have adopted. This is what we broadly term as literature review. Although it is named so, it is not simply a review of existing knowledge, it is more than that.
    Collecting as many available articles over the internet– Many students make this big mistake for lit-review preparation. It is not actually a game of increasing the number of citations. It is the quality of information that matters and so, it is important to engage with other researcher’s concepts before you cite them in yours. When we inherit other’s knowledge, we must understand what is relevant and what is not to your research, to locate your work in the intellectual heritage.

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