The Growing Trend of DOIs

Journal Discussions Forums Scholarly Journals The Growing Trend of DOIs

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Elena Gilbert Elena Gilbert 10 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #139
    Elena Gilbert
    Elena Gilbert

    It is most recently that I have been reading and accessing news about DOI, i.e. Digital Object Identifier that urged me to write a post to discuss about with the budding scholars and publishers of today. As far as I could grasp and learn, DOI is a series of unique alpha-numeric characters which is assigned to a document or research article by the publisher upon the electronic or Open Access publication. But my motive of this post is not to discuss on what it is, rather why and how is it beneficial for the academia.

    Enlisted are some benefits that I would want to brief about:

    • Ease of Use as a single click can take you to the original source of the cited material or the paper.
    • Quick availability of relevant information
    • Content Accessibility even after the publisher’s ownership change since the DOIs are permanent for a journal or an article
    • Increased linking to full-text article or reference sources.
    • Transparency of information

    These were a few points basing my research about this topic. I would love to know more about the same from you.

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