Benefits of Journal Indexing

Journal Discussions Forums Journals Benefits of Journal Indexing

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Jose Thomas 10 years, 5 months ago.

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    Jose Thomas

    An index, as its meaning, is a database or a list to simplify the user’s search of a particular thing. Also known as directory, journal indexing is a prevalent service where high-quality academic journals and their research information are listed for wide access. Both online and offline mode of journal indexing are prevalent in academia today. It is widely done to disseminate scientific information across the web with a broader objective to create an interconnected network of authors and publishers. When one journal is indexed on a list, two-sided benefits are generated- one regards the author with useful information as discussed above. On the other side, the journal publisher benefits the listing as he gets wider audience and increased proposed authors for his journal.

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