5 Questions that you must answer before you begin

Journal Discussions Forums Research Paper 5 Questions that you must answer before you begin

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Lousie Crawforrd 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #263

    Lousie Crawforrd

    “We’ll do a survey to gather useful information for our research paper.” Too often we jump to this decision to conduct a survey analysis for our research even before spending time in evaluating the appropriateness of survey questions and needs. So here are 5 questions that you must address before initiating any survey evaluation:
    1. For what purpose is the survey being undertaken?
    2. Who all will be the interested parties to use this information?
    3. What and how decisions will be influenced by the evaluation?
    4. When are the results needed? What is the timeline?
    5. What resources and manpower will or can you access?

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